Get the A level Biology results 

you need in just  8 weeks

Stop feeling like you’re falling behind. Start following a clear, step-by-step plan to success.

In this 8-week programme harness the proven power of 1:1 support, the magic of motivated teamwork, the best of brain science, and the insights from over 25 years of A level Biology teaching. Rediscover the joy of Biology, supercharge your grades, and re-open the door to the future you want.

When I started college my predicted grade was a D and, thanks to Tim, I got an A* and am now studying medicine at the University of Aberdeen.

Tim’s teaching was really engaging, easy to follow and concise and I learnt so much from him. Tim is not only a great teacher, but also a genuinely lovely guy. - Josh

On-Demand Videos

Weekly video lessons you can fit around your timetable

1:1 Support

Work 1:1 with me on the topics that are blocking your progress

Proven Methods

Discover simple hacks that will supercharge your learning


Turn worry into action and start believing you’ll succeed


Join supportive study groups with people struggling with the same things as you

Meet Tim

Despite my youthful appearance (if only), before moving into full-time tutoring I notched up over 25 years of successful A Level Biology teaching in OUTSTANDING 6th form colleges.

I’ve taught more than 3000 students how to beat the Biology monster and get the grades they need. Whatever is eating away at your belief that YOU CAN do this, I’ve got the experience, the skills, the motivation and the biscuits (see my Google reviews!) to help you.

Struggling with some of the really nasty topics, like translocation, formation of tissue fluid, or respiration? I know which topics are hard, why they’re hard, and how to make them make SO MUCH more sense.

Finding it hard to understand how the HUGE AMOUNT OF CONTENT all joins up? I know which topics are the way out of the confusion. I’ll help you MASTER the key ideas which unlock the rest of the syllabus.

Do loads of work but it never seems to stick? I’ve got ways of remembering all of the syllabus. I’ve taught it so many times I just know a little story, or a study hack or a connection which just make it stick.

Never seem to find the time to get enough done? I’ve seen students go from zero to hero with just a little accountability, and that’s one of the services you’re paying me for. I help you identify when, how, and for how long you need to study and I HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE.

Can’t ever seem to get the marks no matter how hard you work? I’ve seen just about every pitfall an exam question can lure you into and I’ll show you how to decode the questions so you understand what the examiners are asking, and how to answer so you get all the marks. Your school doesn’t have the time to do this with you - I do!

Whatever stage you’re at in your battle with Biology, I’m here to listen, understand, encourage, organise, and above all arm you to the teeth with the best knowledge, skills, mindset and flaming laser trident of Zagradon (Ok, ok, there aren’t any flaming tridents).

I don’t have a plan B (or a picture which doesn’t make my ears look like satellite dishes). This is my job. This is what I love. Your success is my success.

Choose your solution

Hourly Tuition


One hour of 1:1 tuition, as often as you need it.

Who is it for?

Looking for on-demand support with part of the A level Biology syllabus? Book an hour whenever you’re stuck and we’ll work through it at your own pace.

  • Guaranteed 1:1

  • Cover only the topics you need

  • Schedule around your other commitments

Bring Biology Back From the Dead

8 Week Biology Turnaround


Three hours per week of small-group tuition that cover the key parts of the syllabus which unlock the rest.

Who is it for?

The best value solution if you need to raise your predicted grade.

  • Three hours of small-group lessons per week

  • 30 minute private lesson per week

  • Group support from others in the same boat

  • On-demand video lessons

  • Weekly workbooks with feedback

Group Tuition


Share the cost of tuition with friends from your college class, and work together to improve your grades.

Who is it for?

Groups of between two and four students who want to work together. You would each pay £30 per hour instead of £45 for 1:1 tuition.

  • Work with your existing classmates

  • Cover only the topics you need

  • Schedule around your other commitments

A level Biology is a huge subject that eats students for breakfast. If you’re overwhelmed by the amount there is to learn, download a free Biology Survival Guide.


  • The only thing that’s hopeless is giving up! We can get you out of the swamp! The first step is to book a chat with me so we can turn off those churning thoughts and ugly feelings with a simple plan.

  • In the strategy call we identify your goal, your current reality, the obstacles which stand between these two and a step by step plan to reconnect you with your dreams. It costs you nothing and you don't need to buy anything. It sounds like hippy nonsense but nothing in my life has given me the same pleasure as helping people. You might want your parents to join the call, but that’s up to you.

  • I can help you improve your A level Biology results and the sooner we get started, the more improvement we can make. Read my reviews on Google and you’ll see that sometimes I've helped people improve by 4 grades, but that’s not something I can promise everyone. I’ve also helped people with the interview process, but that isn’t a normal part of what I do. We’d have to discuss that in our call.

  • I am too. I’ve struggled most of my life with the feeling that I'm a dodecahedral peg in a world of square holes. In the past few years the world has seen a revolution in its recognition, acceptance and accommodation for neurodivergent people. It’s been a joy to behold. Welcome to the party!

  • Lessons are firmly based on the idea that everyone studies best to their own internal rhythm.

    We meet online at times that work for who we are and we all contribute to building a consensus understanding of the topic. It’s all about answering questions and being involved. It’s never me reading from a powerpoint. If you're quiet for more than 1 minute, I’m not doing my job properly. Everyone is engaged. The lessons are always recorded so you can watch them again in your own time.

    Lessons always come with notes, worksheets, glossaries linked to the magic that is Anki app, blurting frameworks, past paper questions and agreed accountability for getting stuff done.

  • What we do together online is just the start of things. Every week we have a 1:1 meeting where we agree on a series of tasks that will work for you, and then I hold you accountable.

  • I put together the ‘Bring Biology Back From The Dead’, 8 week course with what I believe is the ideal schedule to get the results you’re looking for, quickly. I want you to see measurable progress, and three meetings per week will help us get through the syllabus while giving you time to work through the weekly tasks. That being said, if the exams are alarmingly close and you’d like daily help, or you’ve only got capacity for once per week, we can make it work.

  • Exam practice is the meat of the fight. We will do loads of past paper questions - especially the nasty ones that rob you. We’ll learn how to work out what they are looking for and how to word our answers so we get all the marks. We do it together in small groups. It starts with me showing you how to do them, and ends, many weeks later, with you confidently showing me.

  • At the risk of upsetting the purists, I’ve got a bit of a thing for the Pterosaurs. Not actually dinosaurs… but cool as they get.